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Hard Labor Creek State Park

Kevin Dobson

Updated: Dec 10, 2021

This was a pretty park with wonderful staff, some of the nicest people we have met on our trip so far! We had a nice site with a water view. We were still getting over some colds at this park, so we didn't venture out much. We had to use the golf course for internet because that was the only place we had service. Sean and I played putt putt one day and had a great time, the course is nice and challenging.

We watched Sean fish a couple of times, he still didn't catch anything, but one day he will. It's a lot harder in lakes and rivers than in the big ocean! The girls got to water color and had so much fun painting outside. Faith reminded me of my grandmother sitting outside in the chair by the lake painting. I hope she continues to paint and when we get to go out west, she will paint some beautiful pictures! The kids also got to study dragonflies! Hope finally loves them!


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